General Veneer Manufacturing Co. warrants that the product furnished to you is of merchantable quality. If the product fails to be merchantable, General Veneer Manufacturing Co. will either furnish free of charge a replacement or, at its election, give credit for the purchase price.
In addition, it is an expressly bargained for term of our agreement of sale that General Veneer Manufacturing Co. is not to be liable for consequential or incidental damages irrespective of its active or passive negligence which may cause the material to be non-conforming to specifications. General Veneer Manufacturing Co.s liability is limited to replacement or the invoice value of any material determined to be defective.
Buyer must inspect the merchandise for dimensional and other specification compliance before using the material. Claims by buyer for defective material must be received in writing by seller, General Veneer Manufacturing Co., within ten (10) days of buyers receipt of such material. Such claims must be made prior to any fabrication or change in condition of such material. Seller shall have the right to inspect the goods against which claim is made. The entire shipment must be kept intact pending settlement of the claim, or until released by mutual agreement of the parties. No allowance will be granted by Seller for any repairs, alterations or allegedly corrective actions made by buyer without Sellers prior written approval.
If any payments are allowed to become overdue, or the financial responsibility of the buyer becomes impaired or unsatisfactory to the seller, the seller may change the terms of payment on any unshipped remainder to a sight draft or C.O.D. basis.
The seller is not to be held liable for delays of shipment or delivery or for non-fulfillment of this order because of strikes, fires, floods, accidents, inability of sellers contractor or sub-contractor to supply materials intended by seller to be applied to or used for filling this order, or any other cause, casualty, or incident beyond sellers control; nor because of embargoes or acts or requirements of any National, State or Municipal Government or Agency thereof; nor because of war, danger of war, or political incident. If for any of the foregoing reasons the seller is prevented from making shipment or delivery of the specified good sold and intended to be shipped or delivered against this order, the seller may cancel the order by written or telegraphed notice to the buyer.
This order is accepted and confirmed by the seller on the basis of freight rates and other charges incident to transportation.
In determining whether products furnished under this order are in accordance with specifications, the seller shall be entitled to all the customs and usages of its industry.
All orders of special nature, size, thickness, face, core, or cut are subject to special quotation and may not be canceled after acceptance by seller unless such cancelation be agreed to by seller in writing. General Veneer Manufacturing Co. reserves the right to require 50 percent advance payment on such orders.
Seller assumes no responsibility for damage in transit.
No returns will be accepted by General Veneer Manufacturing Co. unless previously authorized by us, subject to 20 percent handling charge.
Will-call orders not picked up within ten days after completion will be billed at the end of the month.
As the Geneerco line of hardwood plywood and doors contains many different species in light colors, we therefore do not recommend the bleaching of darker woods. Since bleaches sometimes react unfavorably to minerals and other particles in the wood, we cannot guarantee the results of a bleaching operation on our product.
If legal action be instituted on the collection of this invoice or order, vendee shall pay such sum to vendor as the court may fix for vendors attorney fees.